Silent Hill

Artykuł pochodzi z pisma "Guardian"

Peter Bradshaw
Friday April 21, 2006
The Guardian

Er . . . Scary Movie 5, anyone? Maybe it's the kudos acquired by screenwriter Roger Avary in his association with Quentin Tarantino that has allowed him to write this unbelievably boring horror-thriller at such testicle-shrinking length. Over two hours. But it might as well be two days. A gutsy mum called Rose (Radha Mitchell) searches for her lost daughter in a ghost town called Silent Hill, evacuated after a mining disaster, and now populated by creepy religious crazies: whose existence very much does not lend depth to all the gothic screeching about evil. It's based on a video game, which explains why we are plunged so directly into the action, with the most minimal of nods to dull irrelevant stuff such as character and plot.

acquire- zdobyć, otrzymać
based on- oparty na
creepy- przerażający, odrażający
disaster- katastrofa
dull- nudny
gutsy- odważny, z charakterem
irrelevant- bez związku z tematem; nieistotny, zbędny
kudos- sława; prestiż
nod- ukłon, skinienie głową
plot- fabuła
plunge (into)- zanurzać się
populated by- zamieszkały przez
screech- piszczeć, skrzeczeć
shrink- kurczyć się
testicle- jądro
unbelievably- niewiarygodnie


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